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On Friday, October 2, 2020, the team Community Service (PKM) Business Administration Education Study Program chaired by Mrs. Renny Dwijayanti and consisting of Mr. Saino, Mrs. Novi Marlena, Bu Finisica D. Patrikha carried out Community Service act
In At the end of 2020, TUK of the Faculty of Economics will carry out the Testing activities Operational Marketer Competency (TPO), which was attended by 60 participants comes from students of the Commerce Education Study Program and Department st
In order to carry out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, on the 23rd September 2020, a team of Commerce Education Lecturers, chaired by Mrs. Raya Sulistyowati carry out Community Service activities (PKM) with the theme "Strategy Food Security in
For Administration Education Study Program students class of 2015, 2016, 2017 which are his status is still listed as an active student of UNESA. Come on, register immediately while kouta is still available to take the MARKET MANPOWER Competency Te
As prospective teachers, Business Administration Study Program students are required take part in the Introduction to School Field (PLP) or internship at partner schools that have been determined by the University. As a prospective teacher, Of cou
Welcome, welcome to join Garuda Muda (Young Guard), New students of class 2019 in the Commerce Education Study Program. New students class of 2019 has participated in a series of student orientation programs through PKKMB (New Student Introduction